Friday, February 18, 2005

A Night to Remember (History)

An important event happened in my life, I’ve repeated history with a little twist. The twist is this time, my dad was the victim instead of my mom, and my mom was the peacemaker. I will not say what happened the last time for that’s not important anymore. The past is forgotten and the present remains. And here’s the story.

I’m in my room right now, typing this out, I’ve never experienced this before and it feels a little weird. My parents never allowed a computer in my room. They didn’t allow it now either but something happened. Another “magical” moment if you want to put it that way.

If you have read my past post “My Mother’s Birthday” something similar to this happened as well, but this is much bigger than that. Something unexpected happened, and I again learnt something new.

It was a normal Thursday, just that I was a little sick this morning and went to class late. For I badly needed that 2 hours of sleep. So the day went on as normal and nothing really interesting happen unless you count in the little fight my pet sis had with another friend of mine. Haha, if she reads this she would scold me. Anyways, the story started after dinner.

It was a good dinner I had to admit, long time since I had a good dinner at home. My father’s friend was over and he went back early looking at the situation getting from bad to worst.

It started of with a small argument, it always does. I was playing DOTA online and my father reminded me that I had college tomorrow. I have to agree that I was at fault for I should have agreed a game with my friend that hour because my dad wasn’t in too good a mood.

We started to fight, and I said I’ll stop my game around 9.30-10pm. So he went up stairs for awhile. He came down at 9.30pm and told me to stop within 2 minutes and I said I can’t possibly finish it by then. He didn’t care, after 2 minutes, he came up to my computer and “click” it was off.

I got emotional and started saying things that I can’t really recall, after that; I slammed the door real hard and walked upstairs. After that I thought, shit, this is going to be quite big for I never had dared to challenge my dad before. And I thought the worst thing he could do is ground me and take my computer away like what he did last time.

So I went downstairs and calmly took my computer up one part by one part thinking he’ll stop me and we’ll have to talk it over. But he did not; he just sat there, reminding me over and over again that I’m acting stupid.

So after all was up, I was thinking, “Geez, this IS going to be big, I’d better get ready to stay here for at least a day. So I took water, food and still he did not stop me. My main objective was to make him talk to me. But somehow, he just refused and sat down there.

So I took his car keys, then went to the save and even took the spare key, thinking worst come to worst he has to talk to me tomorrow morning or he can’t go to work. Because I even took my mother’s car key. I didn’t dare take his wallet simply because it might get out of hand if he reports to the police.

Of cause I didn’t show him I took his car keys but after all that, I went back to the room, and said that I might not be seeing him awhile and hoped that he then will talk to me. But still no effect. At that juncture, I went upstairs and meditated for awhile. Then I realized that I don’t have time to do all these crap because I need to go to college tomorrow to settle some LEO stuff and I didn’t really want to miss any lessons anyway.

So I decided to go down and talk to him since he totally refuses to talk to me. And there that very time, I felt a strange feeling. I really don’t know how to describe it, but somehow, I don’t know how, I started to “act adult” (according to him). I reasoned with him and trust me; it did not start out good.

He was as stubborn as erm, me actually, but after awhile he was talking sense again. We had a great conversation and somehow, I don’t know how, I apologized. I really can’t remember how it happened but before that, I told him that I will not apologize this time.

Then the conversation got really interesting, I found out that my dad’s an extremist (my definition = he WILL go to the extreme if necessary). I said if I were to steal his car like what I did to my mom’s car in the past, what he would do. He simply said that he would just call the police up and make a report of a stolen car. I was terrified by his thought of that.

I mean I really wouldn’t think it was such a big thing and it can be settle within the family. But he was willing to give up his dignity and reputation as a loving father and just dump me to the law. Then I asked what if he was to slap me and we end up fighting for REAL what would he do. He just said that he would corner me, and BASH me up for real, but after awhile he denied and said that he would bash me up to that extend. But that doesn’t matter; the fact is he actually had that thought in his mind.

All these horrified me totally, I never knew my dad would go to that extreme end, I knew he would do some really crazy things if he’s raging mad, but I never expected him to really turn against his own son.

After all that horrifying things that came out his mouth, something caught me. I suddenly realize that despite all those thoughts, he controlled himself well enough to not do it. Despite I slammed the door REAL loud and offered a challenge, he sat down there calmly and did not do anything.

Despite that he knew I was preparing for the worst, he just sat there reminding me over and over again it’s not worth it. Of cause my mother was doing it too, I hear them, but I wasn’t listening.

After all that, he said something that I’ll remember for life. He said, “When your angry, the best thing to do is sit down, take a deep breath and let things be.” That was what he did, despite all those thought in his head, he ignored them. Thank GOD he did anyway, I mean if that really happen it’s going to affect not just my life, but my entire family’s life including my aunts, uncles, cousins, and even my friends.

For I am respected by people around me, and if I fail to keep that up, I will indirectly disappoint them in a way. One person that will confront me if that ever happened is Adrian, both the Adrian Lim AND Tan me actually, for they are nice people. And if they come to know about it, they would definitely try their best to help. Not to mention my other friends like Wey Yiing and friends.

But thank god again, he did not do it. That totally smacked me hard on the face and made me wake up. My dad IS a great man and deserves all the respect in the world if I could gather it all and put it in a box. I love him lots just like I love my mom, my brother, my relatives and all my friends.

I know they care for me and would always try their best to make my life better even if by just a little. This is another night to remember and I’ll take this chance to say to all that know me well, I love you guys allot. And I am really really really grateful to those who have helped make my life happier, Jureen who did me a huge favor, Jacq that supported me like a sister. Recently, it would be Sher Reen, Sammy, and those who helped me out in my newly established LEO Club it has always been my dream to create a club of my own ever since I knew it was possible. I thank you guys lots and I really don’t know how to repay you guys. So please tell me how and I’ll try my best. Thanks to all, including my readers who bothered to leave a comment or even took the time to read this whole thing.

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