Saturday, June 02, 2012

Grumpy Morning

Dear Ning,

Thank you for your email, the form was fine except for the Student’s Signature at the bottom of the second page. Please note that your signature is not your student ID number. It is how you sign your name when signing contracts or documents that require a signature. Please correct it and email it back.

Kind regards,

Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Admissions Assistant
Admissions Office / Student Recruitment, Admissions and Scholarships


Ok, first of all, don't call me Ning.. it's like calling Aaron by saying just Aa... that pisses me off coz you called me by 1/3 of my name and expect me to respond..

2nd of all, that was a digitally signed document.. if u gonna expect students to send their forms in electronically.. it makes no sense for us to print it out, sign on it, scan it, and then send it back.. get with the times bro...

3rd of all, do u really think a student of UNSW who studied for four years and then got accepted into your masters program is that dumb?! Dude.. that just shows how little faith you have regarding the quality of ur own university..

I bet people like you are the one who goes on strike and call for union's help to increase your wages when you don't even deserve it..

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