Friday, April 15, 2016

Deloitte SEA CM Intro

Hi everyone, thanks Karina for adding me to this WhatsApp group. My name is Ong Ning Jia, am part of the Change Management programme team in Malaysia, University Teknologi PETRONAS, GENESYS programme.

As part of my introduction to this group. I would like to share this Change Management article and how much a little appreciation to everyone around you will make our lives easier. =)

Here's a key point of this article. Team members who feel valued are less reactive and more open to changes within an organization that affect them personally. Conversely, employees who feel unappreciated are more likely to react negatively to proposed changes, feeling like they have to defend themselves from being taken advantage of by their organization.

So thank someone today beside you and brighten up his/her day as well as your own!

Read more about it here:

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