Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Here I Lie...

Here I lie,
Awaken from the lies
Awaken from the dream
That trapped myself within

The endless dream of life,
The endless tunnel of darkness
Yet I thought there was light
A light thought to be divine

I never cared who lit it
I never cared to maintained it
Until I was hit from something
That jerked me from behind

I turned around and back
The light was suddenly gone
I stood up for the first time in years
In years that seemed in decades

Around I looked
Around I stared
I got back down
Watching in despair

The light had no beginning
The light had no source
The light had no substance
The light could have never been there

The light was in my head
The light was in my mind
Made me think I was safe
Made me think I was fine

Now I stand up looking
Walking to explore
Wondering what made me sit down
And imagine that little light

I couldn’t remember how
Or why I end up there
But here I am right now
That’s what matters today

What had hit me from behind?
A friend whom I just left behind
Putting on her a tag
“Failure without hope”

You may ask me why
That I cannot say
For word cannot explain
What had happened that time

The story ends like this
With just a little twist
We may not ever talk again
That girl I’ll never miss

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